Fitness Classes

Free Boxing CLass

For first-timers only! Try a FREE boxing class to learn basic boxing fundamentals. The free class, Boxing 101, is beginner friendly. We will break down punches and focus on technique while also keeping the heartrate up. Must reserve your spot in advance, SIGN UP HERE!

Free Boxing Class

For first-timers only! Try a FREE boxing class to learn basic boxing fundamentals. The free class, Boxing 101, is beginner friendly. We will break down punches and focus on technique while also keeping the heartrate up. Must reserve your spot in advance, SIGN UP HERE!
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Fight Club

This class is a favorite among members! This boxing class will focus on strength & conditioning and technical boxing skills. Each week we will work on a new boxing combo – after the class you’ll feel like a total bad ass!

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Fight club

This class is a favorite among members! This boxing class will focus on strength & conditioning and technical boxing skills. Each week we will work on a new boxing combo – after the class you’ll feel like a total bad ass!


This a 50 minute full body class designed to increase your strength, endurance, and toughness through interval training. A variety of equipment will be used to push you to your limits. Come in prepared to expect the unexpected. Expect to burn 300-600 calories with a focus on lean muscle development.


This a 50 minute full body class designed to increase your strength, endurance, and toughness through interval training. A variety of equipment will be used to push you to your limits. Come in prepared to expect the unexpected. Expect to burn 300-600 calories with a focus on lean muscle development.

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A full body workout where we focus on learning boxing fundamentals, specifically the 10 basic skill sets. Expect to burn 400-800 calories.


Boxing 101

A full body workout where we focus on learning boxing fundamentals, specifically the 10 basic skill sets. Expect to burn 400-800 calories.


This 50 minute boxing class is HOT HOT HOT! Includes high intensity bag work the entire time, perfect for those looking to hit the bag hard and sweat out as many calories as possible.


This 50 minute boxing class is HOT HOT HOT! Includes high intensity bag work the entire time, perfect for those looking to hit the bag hard and sweat out as many calories as possible.



A lower body workout designed to slim your waist and tone the lower body. This class focuses on high intensity bursts of glute & leg moves with short rest periods. Sweat & BURN those glutes!



A lower body workout designed to slim your waist and tone the lower body. This class focuses on high intensity bursts of glute & leg moves with short rest periods. Sweat & BURN those glutes!